For the highest score or the lowest time. You nod. To make the whistle or stop the clock. You nod. For the glory, the jackpot, the buckle. You nod. The calf roper, bronc rider, breakaway roper, bull rider, goat roper, saddle bronc rider, team roper, bulldogger. You nod.
This brand is for all those that nod, in and out of the arena. It's for all the athletes and spectators who still stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and bow their heads in prayer before each rodeo begins. It's for the sacrifices, broken bones, and shattered dreams. It's for the camaraderie and commitment to the sport and the tradition.
It's what you’ve sacrificed for, all the miles and all the towns, the broken barriers, missing the mark out, the buck offs, the almosts. Still you go again.